Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chocolate Yum Yum Puffs

Oh, what a fun Wednesday with Logan this afternoon! I'm extremely excited about today's recipe and I have a feeling you will be too.  Anyone in the mood for a little chocolate goodness in their breakfast?

We found the perfect, most delicious and incredibly FUN recipe from Purely Twins! I've been following their blog for several months and I'm always intrigued at the purely creative concoctions they come up with each day. They use real-food ingredients and make healthy versions of some old favorites, which is helpful when you have kids with food allergies.This is the first Purely Twins recipe I've actually tried.  Lets just say, I'll definitely be making more. 

Now it's time for the drum roll please!... Introducing Logan's choice:

Purely Twins homemade cocoa puffs
or as Logan calls them, Chocolate Yum Yum Puffs. And yes, they are YUM!

These tasty, chocolate morsels are gluten-free, egg-free (in our version), dairy-free and even packed with protein. Who can say no to that? It's cereal and a healthy snack! 

Some of you may have fond memories of eating cocoa puffs as a kid. I will say that when I was at my Dad's house, as my parent's were divorced, this type of cereal was definitely sitting on the top of the fridge nestled between Honeycomb and Fruit Loops. But, at my Mom's house, that variety of  food was banned. And I'm glad. As some might think, I really was not a deprived child because of her choice to deny sugar and chemical-laden food in our house. Thanks Mom! Your effort and continuous "No, I'm sorry we don't buy that," has truly paid off! 

Back to the recipe!... The Purely Twins homemade cocoa puffs recipe calls for a gluten-free flour blend noted below with hemp protein, arrowroot and coconut flour. Instead of the coconut flour portion (we are allergic), I substituted quinoa flour and it worked great! I'm sure there are lots of combinations you could try depending on your allergy or sensitivity.
  • 1 cup of gluten-free flour blend (again we used a mix of hemp protein, arrowroot, and coconut flour making it grain-free)

The actual gluten-free flour blend I used was 2 TBS hemp protein powder, 2 TBS arrowroot powder and the rest quinoa flour to make 1 cup. 

The next substitution we made was the egg. Logan is allergic to eggs and I'm on a gut-healing diet which excludes eggs for a while. So instead, we used a chia "egg," as noted in their full recipe below, and it surprisingly worked perfectly in the puffs. I often find that using various egg substitutes can change the texture, but this was pure perfection.

The actual recipe is extremely quick and easy. Then it comes time to roll those little balls which wasn't too bad, but for some people it can be tedious... or like meditation. You decide! 

I highly suggest making this together with your kiddo!  It's really a fun recipe and much more fun with two people to roll the little puffs. Logan actually rolled them much better than I did as his puff size was just right. Mine were a little too big. The key is keeping them the same size for even baking results.

Speaking of results...

My final tip, and yes, unfortunately I'm speaking from experience here, is to watch the puffs carefully. Ahem, I admit we burned the second tray (gasp!). Thankfully, it was not a full tray, however realizing all that hard work went to burnt balls instead of Chocolate Yum Yum Puffs was a major buzz kill.  Guess I'll have to make more tomorrow!

Oh, and I lied, Logan has one MORE tip! Make two batches while you have the ingredients out on the counter. Because, well, you will want more! Lots more. 

Here is the official Purely Twins recipe:

homemade cocoa puffs recipe
Chocoately, not too sweet healthy cocoa puffs
Adapted from Heathers French Press

1 cup of gluten-free flour blend 
(again we used a mix of hemp protein, arrowroot, and coconut flour
making it grain-free)
1/2 cup cocoa powder (we use raw cacao; could do 1/4 cup cocoa and 1/4 cup carob)
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 whole egg or chia gel (1 tbsp chia seeds with 3 tbsp water, let sit for 10 minutes)
1 tablespoon coconut oil, semi-soft (ghee or butter)
3-4 tablespoons maple syrup (honey or coconut nectar)

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Next add ingredients into food processor (or In bowl of a stand mixer) except maple syrup.
3. Begin to pulse the ingredients.
4. Slowly add in your maple syrup one tablespoon at a time.
5. Continue to pulse until the dough is just coming together. It may look like it is too crumbly, but if you
put some in hand and roll it should hold together.
6. If it does not -- add more maple syrup. Should take 3 or 4 tbsp.
7. Start to take some batter and roll into balls {about the size of a blueberry}. 
This take awhile to do.
8. Bake cocoa puffs for 15 minutes.
9. **Vegan ones we suggest going more like 16-18 minutes.
10. Let cool.
11. Enjoy.

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To find a collection of more allergen-friendly, gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free and nut-free recipes, visit my food allergy support group for kids on Pinterest: Nourishing Friends

Logan asks: What was your favorite childhood cereal?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Yep, I Sent my Food-Allergic Kid to Camp (gasp!)

Today, Logan set off for an overnight voyage with his 2nd grade class. These adventures began in Kindergarten so we pretty much have the routine down. However, it took some bumps in the road (and awesome parents of other food-allergic kiddos) to figure out the food part! Yep, the dreaded food part. But it CAN be done. However, let me preface that we are fortunate that none of our allergies/sensitivities are life-threatening. However I believe that food sensitivities are just as detrimental from a long term perspective, so I take food sensitivities seriously. Make sense?  

One lesson I've learned, is that with any school activity, it's our job as parents to keep our kids safe when it comes to food allergies and sensitivities. The kitchen staff, camp counselors, front office staff, etc. all do the best they can. They really do care and are trying to help. They may even say things like, "Oh, we have it covered. We are gluten free," or "the camp kitchen is really good at handling food allergies, etc." STOP RIGHT THERE (you should be hearing the screeching of brakes right now!).

In my humble experience, that is NOT enough. Unless that camp cook or front office staff has your exact same allergies and reactions, they really don't get it even if they say they have it all covered. But, do understand that they truly mean well. It's not their fault, it's just the way it is, and our job as the parent is to keep our kid safe. 

Here are my TOP 10 TIPS to keep your kids safe at camp.

Food Allergies and Camp - 10 Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe 

1) Speak with the kitchen cook
It may take a while to get a hold of them, but be persistent and don't wait until the day before the event. Start your calls through your school's front office staff AT LEAST a week prior! Two weeks is probably ideal and don't be shy with reminder calls. Remember, your child is not the only one with food allergies so the office staff may be making many calls and is very busy, especially when trips are taking place.

2) Request the COMPLETE event menu

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, Evening Treats. Really probe them about each time food will be served, because they just might forget to mention snacks or "treats" they give the kids after dinner.

3) Don't stop until you get that menu! Be extra polite, but persistent.

4) Did I mention be polite? 

Just remember that they are doing the best they can and it's our job to protect our kids, but it can all be done with kindness and empathy on both sides. Imagine how hard it is at home feeding your family, now multiply that by a lot and throw in several different kids all with different food allergies. Oyve! I feel for the camp cooks and staff. That's why I try to make it easy for them to feed and ultimately help me protect my child.

5) O.K., with complete menu in hand, you can now ask questions

Is this chicken breaded, will there be a sauce or dipping sauce, what are the ingredients? Then, for ANY or ALL items, you can ask to send substitutes. If you are unsure of something they are providing, be safe (not sorry) and send a substitute. Trust me on this one! ** Again, be kind and helpful in your approach and explain that you will label everything with your child's name and send it in a cooler bag. **

6) Pack them EXTRA snacks!

Your kiddo may need it if the kitchen staff forgot to tell you they do Smores at night by the campfire! Yep, this really happened. Grrr. Being prepared is really key!

7) Type up a quick note and make copies

In your note, detail the following:
1) What you are sending, 2) What each food is a substitute for, and 3) A list of your child's allergies
Make at least THREE copies. Give one to the teacher, leave one in the cooler bag, and put one in your child's bag/back pack. You may also have a trip nurse, so give them a copy as well.

8) Review the list with your child

On the night before the trip/event, run through the list with your child so they are aware of what the camp is serving and what are their SAFE SUBSTITUTES.

9) Feed them well before they leave! -- not that you wouldn't, but you know what I'm sayin'
On the morning of their trip/event, feed them the best, most nutritious and hearty breakfast that you can orchestrate. That way you have peace of mind.

10) Now breathe YOU DID IT!
They are off and well taken care of because of your awesome preparation. Good job Mom! Now you can relax and they can enjoy the event just like the rest of the kiddos!

BONUS TIP!   Make friends with the parents of the other food allergy kiddos (for so many reasons really!). That way, when these trips and events take place, you can all work together and even split up different parts of the menu. We did this last year and it was so nice, but that was also a trip where the kids had chaperons, and so two allergy parents went along. Don't you just love that name, allergy parent?  Yep, that's you!

What are YOUR tips and tricks for school day trips or overnight events with food-allergic kiddos?

Find more helpful tips on our Pinterest allergy support group for kids:
Nourishing Friends

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Nourishing Friends - Helping Kids and Families with Food Allergies

Wow! The past several days have been a whirlwind. The Universe was talking to me (really screaming) and I finally decided to listen! So my first step was starting this blog.  Then, I started a local support group for kids with food allergies/sensitivities with one of my real-food foodie friends (and fellow Mom with food sensitive kids), Sarah Newman.  We had been throwing the idea around for several months and finally committed to a meeting start date of February. Well, our meetings will actually begin next month, but who is counting, right?

That's me and Logan toward the back
So last week, Sarah and I had a lunchtime pow-wow, with allergen-free food of course, including Enjoy Life chocolate chips fondue for the kiddos in celebration of Valentines Day, and decided it was time to start our support group. We were both energized and excited and I knew the time was NOW!  We figured out our date and time and then casually posted the details to our Facebook pages.  We didn't even have a name for the group but we were so excited and wanted to spread the word.

So the next day we realized we needed an official name and Nourishing Friends was created. Then, I immediately set up our Nourishing Friends Facebook page and created a Nourishing Friends Pinterest page. We are so excited and the response has already been incredible! There is definitely a need for this group.

Logan is starting to join in my excitement as I explained to him that he can be an ambassador of the group, along with two of his buddies, Sarah's oldest son and my friend Danielle's son. I think this is going to be life-changing for all of us!

Well, I've gotta run to get some hiking pants for my son's 2nd grade voyage that is TOMORROW! Oyve, nothing like last-minute stuff.

If you have a quick minute, check out our Facebook Group Page and  let me know what you think!

or FOLLOW US on Pinterest where I'm collecting lots of resources to support kiddo's with food allergies and sensitivities...
Nourishing Friends

Monday, February 17, 2014

Green Smoothie Saves the Day

Today is President's Day and it's going to be gorgeous outside, but instead of rejoicing, I'm a cranky grizzly bear mama. Grrrrr! I stayed up waaaaay to late watching, of all things, Keeping Up with the Kardashians (I know, pathetic) and only got about five hours of sleep which does NOT work for me at all. Plus my daughter, who usually goes to preschool today, is sick so she is home with us. Spending more time with her would usually be something to celebrate, but today it just means we will be stuck inside. Not usually a big deal except I've been inside a lot lately and I'm going stir-crazy.

My other rant is that my kitchen is a nightmare, like all of the time. I cook practically everything we put in our mouths so it seems like the kitchen is always a mess. Oh, and I totally have self-diagnosed ADHD. It's incredibly hard for me to focus (and yes, I believe it's totally related to my diet, but we will get to that later) so I start doing dishes, then I get distracted to something else and the vicious cycle continues. Wait, what was I just talking about?... :)

O.K. enough of my rant! I just need to eat a delicious GREEN SMOOTHIE that my husband and I enjoy every morning to start our day with a butt load of veggies ;)  It's basically a version that I've adapted from a #BettyRocker Body Fuel System recipe that incldues:

2 Cups kale/spinach/chard (use any combination of leafy greens to total two cups) 
1/4 Cup parsley 
1/3 (about 2+ inches) cucumber 
1 pear 
5 strawberries 
1/2 inch fresh ginger (peeled) 
Juice of 1/2 lemon 
10 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) 
1 TBS Flax oil or Coconut Oil
1 tsp cinnamon (helps regulate blood sugar). 

Unfortunately, Logan doesn't drink this, but my 2 year old does!  However, Logan will drink berry smoothies with kale or chard and other green veggies as long as the overriding flavor (and color) is berry. I think we are in that phase where green things don't appeal to him. Although he likes pesto. Go figure!.

Anyhow, I digress. So that's how we start just about every morning for a boost of energy (I don't usually do coffee as it irritates my gut). Since we are focusing on real food and excluding gut irritants such as grains and legumes, I don't add protein powder, but you certainly could to make it a complete morning meal. Instead, I generally have a batch of homemade sausage made up and eat a couple patties as our side of protein.

What's your favorite healthy smoothie for the kids?

Sunday, February 16, 2014

For the Love of Food Allergies

When my son, Logan, was diagnosed with food sensitives several years ago, our world suddenly changed and it felt like I was on a deserted island with nothing to eat in very unfamiliar territory. "What do we cook now?" heck, "What do we even buy now?" were questions that first came to mind.  Although initially, we found out that dairy wrecked havoc on Logan's belly, and boy did I fight that one, we quickly learned that wheat, eggs, tomato and soy were culprits back then too. I mean, who is going to tell me that I can't have pizza, or Gouda and Havarti (Gasp!). However, I knew it was critical at the time because as soon as I stopped eating just dairy (I was nursing at the time), Logan's horrible, blood curdling screams at night, distended belly, re-flux and raging colic and recurring ear infections ended immediately.  And after those very long 6 months we all finally slept! It was heavenly. Then once I removed the rest of the culprits, other symptoms disappeared too such as horrible "diaper rashes" that were fire engine red and sometimes would even blister. I give a huge sigh of relief just thinking about it, and that was more than 7 years ago.

Daddy holding Logan as a colicky baby
My goal in blogging is to create a "village" to help support you through these difficult times when raising a family and provide new, allergy-friendly food ideas to try with your child.  It often feels very isolating traveling down this path with food allergies and sensitivities (yes, I found out I have some too!). We all need to support each other and show our kids that they are not alone in this journey.

In case your kids are not in grade school yet, let me just share that peer pressure and fitting in can really mess with kids who have food allergies or sensitivities (yes there is a difference and yes both are just as serious in different ways). It's just plain hard!

Why Wednesdays?

Logan and I have special time together every Wednesday afternoon because his amazing Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound school is a half day on Wednesday and his sister is at preschool. Logan is excited to share his choice of recipes and ideas each week! Let the journey begin!

Our Inspiration

Most recently we have been inspired by several incredible blogs such as The Paleo Mom and cookbooks such as Eat Like a Dinosaur by The Paleo Parents and are so grateful that these resources exist. They have already helped us feel a little more "normal.". ;) 

In our blog you will find a collection of all different kinds of allergy friendly kid recipes that will always be gluten-free, egg-free, soy-free, dairy-free and most likely nut-free too. Overall, if I had to put a label on the "diet" that we lean toward, it would be Paleo (did you know we eat a TON of greens on paleo?), but my kids eat some grains which is what I often use when baking for them.

A little bit of Truth

I'll be honest, I've needed an outlet for my frustration with our food allergies/sensitivities (we all have some in our family) but also to share my passion for healthy living through food. It's a love/hate relationship over here, that's for sure! I'm sure many of you can relate. Being able to share our journey will be healing for us and hopefully for you too. So come join our village and lets have a little fun along the way.